Boys' Brigade
Boys’ Brigade aims to:
- Develop our boys holistically through a structured programme that promotes habits of obedience, reverence, discipline and self-respect; and
- Develop our boys to be leaders who are future-ready, and are concerned citizens who contribute to the community.
Key events and achievements
JM Fraser (Gold) Award
The Boys’ Brigade (BB) successfully clinched another JM Fraser (Gold) Award for the year 2021. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our boys, church volunteers and teachers.
Founders’ Award
In 2022, one of our boys, Staff Sergeant Lim Brien obtained the Founders’ Award, which is the highest award a boy can attain in the Seniors Programme. Brien has demonstrated outstanding conduct and character, and has strong dedication and commitment to the brigade.
BB Cares
Our boys have the opportunity to hone their leadership and self-management skills, through programmes such as foot drills and leadership modules. They also play an active role in serving the community via the BB Cares, which is a student-initiated Values in Action activity.
Learning New skills
Besides acquiring soft skills, our boys also learned a variety of hard skills, such as playing bagpipes and drums, kayaking, rock wall climbing, campcraft and first aid. These activities not only equipped them with skills, but also taught them the importance of perseverance and teamwork.